Growing up on Long Island, James Katt was a dreamer. Whether longing to explore the local beaches or the twinkling lights of Manhattan, his untrained eye always sought out the small details most children tend to overlook. His first experience with photography seemed innocuous enough: Handed a disposable point-and-click by his Grandfather at a museum, James quickly embraced the unusual thrill of being in control of the camera. The resulting prints showed promise, and his Grandfather was quick to praise young James' composition and creativity. A love of looking through the lens was born.
James specializes in advertising photography and catalog work for luxury brands and has photographed many of the world's most prestigious jewels and watches. His position as the head photographer for the renowned Betteridge Jewelry Company (Watches of Switzerland) - a jewelry company known for its high-end jewelry and excellence since 1897 - allowed him to explore the vast world of luxury through his daily work for over 12 years.